Monday, June 20, 2011

God's Plan

God works in mysterious ways...

I haven't been as close to Him as I'm suppose to for a long time now but I do pray every night. Praying about school, about family, about jobs, about friends, and about patience.

I have another year left of school and I am ELATED to finally get out of school!! I cannot wait to graduate in May and finally be a big girl! But I'm so nervous, too. Not being able to find a job. Finding a job and not liking it. Just so much to think about. It is going to be the rest of me life so obviously, it's going to be a pretty big deal. I know God has it all planned out for me so I'll just let Him take care of me :)

My family has been through soo much these past couple of years, I don't even know where to start. I'm too scared to tell my friends the real reason why I came home. All I tell them is that out of state is getting expensive so I decided to come home, which is true. I know I'll be too embarrassed to tell my friends the real reason why. After going to a private school for so long, people there just assume that your family can afford out of state tuition while still paying for a sibling to go to private school. I don't know if they'll be able to understand. One of my best friends, I love her to death, but I know for a fact that she won't understand because God has blessed her with a wonderful family and she doesn't have to worry about that. Am I jealous? Of course I am. I loved Ole Miss. I loved my sorority sisters. I loved my life there. I remember the day I left for my last semester at Ole Miss, I cried half way to Oxford and praying the whole time. I know that God has a reason for this to happen but I was just so angry. Looking back, I am such a selfish person. He has greater plans for me in life and I know it. I just didn't want to accept what He had in store for me.

I shouldn't worry about what my friends think though because after all, they are my friends. And now, I'm living with one of my best friends for the summer! I'm so excited to be in AGGIELAND for the summer and just relax with my friends! God has blessed me with some amazing people :)

Oh patience... I have a hard time with this. Probably one of my flaws. One of my best friends and I... well... I guess I ran out of patience waiting for him to not be scared anymore. It something were to happened, it would've happened already. I've prayed to God about this and has asked for signs and everything and one night, a light bulb went off. Maybe God not showing me a sign is the sign. The sign that some things are just not meant to be. Or maybe God is just waiting for the perfect moment for something magical to happen between us. Either way, my patience went out and this best friend is well, still my best friend. I know God has something in store for us maybe we're just meant to be friends.

All in all, God has a plan for me and I am more than excited to see what's going to happen.

"May you be strengthened with all power according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy." Colossians 1:11

Monday, May 17, 2010

Talk about an emotional day...

So today was pretty much a day of my emotions on a rollercoster.... This morning I took my mom to the airport so she could fly to Hawaii and visit some family. This was also at 8 AM. Did I ever mention that I am NOT a morning person?? Yeah... it was kind of rough but it's ok because now I know how to get to the airport :) Then I got home and picked up my g-unit (grandma) and went to Dallas so I could get some TOMS. They are the most comfortable shoes ever! Totally go get some!! And it's for a good cause which is a plus. That was the good part of my day, now to the roller coster ride that I went on: I went to a casino with my g-unit because well... her excuse is "I'm old and I'm just playing. It's not like I'm addicted to it." Ok, grandma. Whatever you say. So she leaves me alone and lets me plays the slots by myself and I won ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS!! Yep, that's right $100! I thought I miss read it at first but nope, it was legit! So I got my ticket and went to look for my grandma for oh, 45 minutes. I was soo scared! I thought I lost her! I even told the people to go over the intercom to ask for her. I don't know why I did though because she doesn't even understand English so it was pretty useless. So after finally finding her and getting several death looks (probably because 1. I was in a sorority shirt and 2. I was walking by myself looking like a hardcore gambler), I bring her to the slot where I won all that money. She didn't do so well so we left and went for a quick potty break. Two seconds letter, I notice that I didn't have my phone!! I frantically looked everywhere that I could and couldn't find it. I asked the workers to call lost and found like 20 times (ok more like 8 but still!). NO such luck. When one of the workers let me borrow their phone to call, it rang once and went straight to voicemail. Clearly, someone already got their dirty little fingers on it and had no thought of being a good citizen and returning it. *DOUCHE* So then we drove all the way home and tried to solve my problem... I was going to get like those super horrible and useless go phones because I thought the 4g iphone was going to be out soon. ERR WRONG! Not till next year. Another problem. So I was going to get a new iphone but I didn't want to pay another $300 for the same phone BUT THEN they guy introduced me to the palm pre and I. FELL. IN. LOVE. Sadly.... they're out of the phone. But he says that hopefully, they'll get them tomorrow (fingers crossed!) So as of right now, I'm stuck with this super crappy phone, have great shoes, and still didn't win anything. Can you say FML??

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


My first semester of UTA is coming to a close. I didn't think I was actually going to enjoy it/like it/meet friends here but thankfully, I DID!! The semester did start off kind of rocky but life gave me lemons and I made lemon juice out of it. (Yes, I said it. Don't judge.) But my sorority sisters are right, it is all how I felt going into it. I started this semester off angry and sad and confused and just down right depressed. Thankfully, I met some great people and I felt so welcomed here! Don't get me wrong though, it's not the same as Ole Miss (HOTTY TODDY!) and it's definitely not the same without sorority sisters :( HOPEFULLY though, I will soon be able to charter my own chapter here and spread the awesomeness of the K-I-T-E. I only rep what I know! So... as I end my first entry with only 1 1/2 hours of sleep, a final under my belt, and a great work out, I bid yall adieu.

Song of the Moment: "Alejandro" - Lady Gaga